  Appointment on stage  Worldpremiere 13-15.7.2016

(I want to be the person I am - I am the person I want to be)
“Appointment on Stage” is a choreographic rendezvous with others 
and an encounter with oneself. Five performers of different generations 
and national backgrounds experience and acknowledge the body as a feeling-
thinking unity: „I trust you to be the dance, the man, the moi“. 
This acceptance by the individual turns into a composition in which there is 
an interpretive dancing without kissing and a kissing without documentation. 

Do you understand? 

Angela Lamprianidou creates an integral dance affair made of words and movement; an autonomous whole. 
It reveals a conversing of cultures in which language plays the leading and the supporting role. 
The changing syntax that ensues in the piece raises, among others, 
the bold question „Am I the person who I want to be?“ 
Do I want to be the person who I am?“